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Piggy packing on a previous episode of Behind the Mask Podcast about BBL body shaming, some crucial pointers are worth a written blog.

Social media rules the world, and with that comes a sense of comfort in acting without fear of consequence. Despite the remaining stigmas, we’ve all come to understand that mental health is a massive issue in the United States, and considering social media gives us a place to say and do things without retribution, it is also a hotbed for bullying and criticism.

Why Cruelty 

We know it happens and understand why social media remains such a commonly used avenue for delivery, but why people feel the need to bully, harass and criticize is a little harder to explain.

While the why may be different for many people, psychotherapist Jason Ross (the expert source from the podcast) does explain that it often stems from issues related to self-esteem, insecurities, anxiety, depression, a need for chaos, control and a lack of empathy.

You might also notice that the people who get wrapped up in the whirlwind of negative comments are generally the same folks who aren’t spending time wisely or investing in themselves and other healthy activities. People who avoid online bullying often have higher self-esteem and a better grasp of acceptable social behaviors.

Empathy and control are two of the leading factors in online bullying. Without empathy, you lack the ability to do almost any of the life skills that center around healthy relationships.


If you’re a person considering documenting plastic surgery or any other life-altering procedure, before you post, please acknowledge what you’re looking to receive.

If you’re thick-skinned and created a video to track your progress and educate others, maybe it’s the correct route for you. However, if you’re seeking validation or have a personality affected by negative comments, perhaps you should seek a healthier alternative to document your process outside of the social media arena.

“If you’re looking for validation, that’s where there will always become a problem,” said Ross. “That’s dicey. That doesn’t often happen. When you do something for yourself, a type of health narcissism, you often aren’t looking for the outside world to approve.”

Mental Health and the Takeaways 

If you or someone you love suffers from trauma, it has to be dealt with and understood that the struggler isn’t alone. Unresolved trauma can lead to difficulty in relationships and a life of constant struggle. Empathy is the cornerstone of connection.

Trauma is internalized, and until a person who has suffered from childhood trauma decides to speak to someone they share a connection with, trust and who will challenge their belief system, they may never give themselves the compassion essential to treat others well.

Dr. William Miami

Author Dr. William Miami

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